Frozen Orange Pineapple Margarita Recipe; this Orange, Pineapple and Lime cocktail is just what summer needs. It is the perfect concoction for hot afternoons, warm evenings and holiday parties.

Frozen Orange Pineapple Margarita Recipe

Warm summer days call for sweet frozen concoctions.

10 Patriotic Red, White And Blue Beverages; Recipe Round-up of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Ten Patriotic Red, White And Blue Beverages

Cheers to Summer, Independence Day and the Red, White and Blue! To share in a toast to the 4th of July I have collected ten recipes for

20 Refreshing Iced Tea Recipes; Recipe Round-Up on

20 Refreshing Iced Tea Recipes {Round-Up}

Sweet Tea, Peach Tea, Tea made with Rhubarb, Mint or JELLO-O; regardless how you brew it, Iced Tea is meant for hot summer days.  It is no secret that I…

Beerita Margarita Recipe by Trish Sutton. A Margarita made with Beer.

Beerita Margarita: A Margarita Made With Beer

Not a fan of Triple Sec? Not a problem. Don’t keep much liquor or alcohol around the house? You just need one of each. Beerita Margarita: A Margarita Made With…

20 Must Try Margaritas; including Mango, Coconut, Blueberry, Champagne Strawberry, Avocado, Champagne, Watermelon, Raspberry, Peach, Basil, Orange, Sweet & Spicy. A Recipe Round-Up by Trish Sutton.

20 Must Try Margaritas

Peach, Strawberry, Blueberry and even Champagne! This round-up of 20 Must Try Margaritas includes one for everyone. Cinco de Mayo is in 21 days which means you have twenty days…

‘Tis The Season For Pumpkin; 53 Pumpkin Recipes

 ‘Tis the Season for Pumpkin! Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cake and Pumpkin Muffins. But what about Pumpkin Dip, Pumpkin Bacon Ratotouille or Creamy

Halloween Party Punch

Nothing says “Halloween” like Candy Corn.  And nothing says “Party” like a cocktail! Halloween Party Punch.

National Lemonade Day; 20 Lemonade Recipes

Our house is a soda (pop) free home.  When we have a craving for a sugary sweet beverage we turn to LEMONADE!  More specifically, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade made with an…

My Sister’s Avocado Margarita

Have you ever had an Avocado Margarita? July 24th is National Tequila Day and in honor of the distilled beverage made from the Blue Agave Plant of Mexico, I asked…

Frozen Concoctions; Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Drink Recipes

IT. IS. HOT. Summer is here, well, almost.  Officially summer begins on Sunday.   And to celebrate summer I have collected twenty frozen concoction recipes! This list includes both Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic which…