Tag Archives: grateful
Happy Veteran’s Day
Thank you to all past, present, and future heroes of the military. This photo is of my Granddad during his service years. Both he and my Grandma served the United States Air Force. Without the Air Force my grandparents would have never met; nor my family ever exist! Which is another reason for me to… Read More
Thankful Thirty; Three Free Frameable Prints
2020 Top Ten Most Viewed Posts
Say Whaaat??… Versatile Blogger Award
Once again I am overwhelmed by the offering of encouragement and support from the Blogging Community. I am beyond blessed to have spent the past three months getting to know many wonderful bloggers whose hearts are so giving. I found out yesterday that one of my VERY FAVORITE bloggers, Leigh Anne, nominated me for THE… Read More
Five Minute Friday: “Grateful”
It is that time of the week where I meet up with hundreds of bloggers for our five minute flash mob of free writing. Lisa-Jo Baker selected “grateful” as this week’s Five Minute Friday word. Today is my one month ‘blogiversary’. For that I am grateful. I read and researched blogging for a solid year… Read More