Category Archives: DIY
Upcycled Halloween Windsocks
These fun Upcycled Halloween Windsocks will add just the right amount of festive flare to any yard. To create an October Treasure out of Recycled “Junk” and turn Cans into Ghosts, Spiders & Jack-O-Lanterns you will need the following items: – Vegetable Cans – a Drill – Spray Paints in desired colors – Painters Tape – String… Read More
DIY & Homemade Costumes; A Round-Up For Halloween
My sister and I have spent the past three days collecting what we will need for our Halloween costumes this year. Even though we live
“Daddy’s Candy ‘Stache”; A Sweet Father’s Day Gift
Mommas might love receiving vases filled with flower bouquets for Mother’s Day but when Father’s Day rolls around the best vase filled bouquet for Daddy is a stash (or ‘stache) of his favorite candy. This is one of my husband’s very favorite gifts to receive. At his office he is known for his “candy stash”… Read More
DIY Ceramic Tile Photo Coasters
Helping Hand Handmade Gift
Dry Erase Christmas Countdown
Bottle Cap Snowman Ornament
Upcycled Can Snowman
Yep. Another Upcycled Snowman. I can’t help myself. And it’s only the second out of three this week. Just you wait until Friday to see what my three year old made for his Auntie and his Papas & Grandmas this year! If you’ve been reading my blog for long you might remember my Patriotic Upcycled… Read More
Handprint Snowman Ornament
There is something about crafts created with little handprints that absolutely warm my heart. And a handprint craft that doubles as a Snowman Ornament; well, that melts my heart. My three year old describes this ornament as “a wid with Mommy, Daddy, Bubby, and me wooking wike Snowmen”. That it is. An upcycled can lid… Read More