Hey there! I’m Trish. A day dreamer and a night thinker, a writer, influencer and a creator. I am a tea addict and a football fanatic. I love rainy days, flip flops, beaches, red vines, popcorn, mascara, roller coasters and Disneyland. And I am an avid fan of the Dallas Cowboys and the San Diego Padres.
I have yet to acquire the taste for coffee and I will only eat Oreos in pairs. I am married to an amazing fella and have two boys born sixteen years apart. I am also a big sister to the most awesome siblings who range from 15 months to 11 years younger than me. My absolute favorite place in the world is by my husband’s side – preferably in a football stadium, at a baseball game, at Disneyland or in San Diego.
Along with being the owner of this here self-titled blog of mine, I am also a contract accountant. My personality test results define me as one of those right brain left brain people.
That’s me in a page! Now it’s your turn!!
What do you love? Any favorite sports teams? And let’s hear it, Coffee or Tea?