SoCal Baton Hand Off; Visit Southern California

It’s been a while since I ran relay in track… A. LONG. WHILE.  However, like riding a bike you never really forget how to pass and hold on to a…

Pineapple Protein Shake

This is my favorite way to enjoy a Protein Shake; mostly because I LOVE PINEAPPLE!! Blend: 1 Cup Frozen Pineapple 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder…

Must Have Dry Shampoo

Let’s talk Dry Shampoo.  If you have not yet been introduced, are still using Baby Powder to freshen up your locks, or have held out on purchasing a can of…

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the heroes referred to as Dad, Daddy & Step-dad.

Five Minute Friday: “Messenger”

Messenger.  That is the word chosen this week by author, Lisa-Jo Baker, for Five Minute Friday.  And so the clock begins ticking as hundreds of bloggers participate in our weekly…

Full Width Image Post

  Cotton candy jelly jujubes chocolate ice cream. Cheesecake cupcake sweet roll chocolate apple pie. Donut jelly-o chocolate candy gingerbread icing cheesecake bear claw gingerbread. Gummi bears gingerbread muffin apple…

Post With Square Mosaic Gallery

Cotton candy jelly jujubes chocolate ice cream. Cheesecake cupcake sweet roll chocolate apple pie. Donut jelly-o chocolate candy gingerbread icing cheesecake bear claw gingerbread. Gummi bears gingerbread muffin apple pie…

Another Post

Cotton candy halvah brownie chocolate bar applicake tootsie roll marzipan. Bonbon halvah chocolate bar cupcake tart carrot cake soufflé marshmallow. Donut carrot cake applicake apple pie jelly beans candy dragée…

Summer 2014 Bucket List

This 2014 Summer Bucket List was created by both myself and my three year old; the fluorescent pedicure is for Momma however if my tot has any say in the…

Together the combination of Rolo and Ritz create a perfectly blended Sweet and Salty Treat.

A Sweet & Salty Treat

Create a salty and sweet sandwich treat in less than 15 minutes with just two ingredients. Rolo Stuffed Ritz Crackers.