Five Minute Friday: “Bloom”

“My got you a pretty welwoe fowyer, Momma.  You wove fowyers.”

Translation: “I picked you a pretty yellow weed known as a dandelion, Momma.  You love flowers.”

Sometimes when I’m on a walk with my three year old we stop to smell the dandelions.

“If dandelions were hard to grow,
they would be most welcome on any lawn.”
~Andrew Mason

We also stop to admire other weeds and rocks.  And we mustn’t ever walk past a fallen stick without stopping to discuss just how perfect it is in length and width with each bend and crack.  More times than not my little guy picks it up and carries it home to add to his collection of rocks and sticks that sit in a flower pot next to our front door.

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

Five minutes is not nearly enough time to share what I’ve learned from my youngest son.  One of the most important lessons I have learned from him is that there is beauty blooming everywhere.  I thought I knew that long before he came along.  And I guess it’s safe to say I did know it.  However appreciating it is entirely different than knowing it.

Bloom2There is beauty in weeds blooming (regardless of how my allergies react).  There is hope in a tight rose bud just waiting to bloom.  Both similar to raising my boys.

Those trying times in which my boys could be compared to “weeds” and those precious moments in which we could compare them to the “bud of a rose”.  They are blooming.  There is promise and hope as we watch them bloom into each day just like a rose.  And there is an enormous amount of appreciation for who they are and who they will be.

I thank God daily whether it be a dandelion day or rose day… I am grateful that I am afforded the opportunity to learn from my children; that I have been given grace on the days I could have been compared to a weed; that I have the chance to view something not always considered beautiful through the eyes of a three year old; and that I am blessed to wake up each day to witness my boys bloom.
– T

Note:  The photos on this post are not Blogging 101 approved.  The photo of the dandelion and the one of the sticks were taken BY my little guy.  He is a blooming photographer.

Five Minute Friday: is a sort of Blog Free Writing Flash Mob Hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker.  The rules include writing for five minutes, on the same one word prompt without extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.  Unscripted. Unedited. Real.  Read more here.

About Trish

When this sleep deprived self proclaimed tea addict is not creating content for this here blog, Trish can most often be found at the Soccer field or watching a football game. Trish is a passionate volunteer, contract accountant, avid fan of the Dallas Cowboys and will only eat Oreos in pairs. She has two boys born sixteen years apart and her favorite place in the world is by her husband's side - preferably in a football stadium, at Disneyland or in San Diego.