Apr32019Feb 27 2023 DIY Wood Block Photo Cube by Trish, in category Create, Father's Day, Gifts/Mother's Day/Father's Day, Holidays, Mother's Day A DIY Wood Block Photo Cube is a thoughtful way to share memories with loved ones.
Apr152020Feb 27 2023 DIY Photo Gift | Upcycled Veggie Can Caddy by Trish, in category Create, Father's Day, Gifts/Mother's Day/Father's Day, Holidays, Mother's Day, Mother's Day This simple DIY photo gift tutorial begins with dinner. Save a veggie can (or two) to upcycle then create this thoughtful and versatile gift for desktops, craft supplies or vanities.
Aug292018Feb 27 2023 DIY Photo Gifts | Handmade Photo Crafts by Trish, in category Christmas/Winter, Create, Gifts/Mother's Day/Father's Day, Holidays, Round-Up Hands down my absolute favorite thing to create is any item that includes photos. And I especially enjoy creating DIY Photo Gifts to give to family.
Apr182019Apr 21 2019 DIY Photo Wreath Mason Jar Lids by Trish, in category Create, Gifts/Mother's Day/Father's Day, Mother's Day, Wreaths Create a DIY Photo Wreath using Mason jar lids and family photos. Share this sentimental circle of memories as a gift. It is perfect for Mother’s Day!