Tag Archives: SoCal
Bahia Resort Hotel San Diego California Destination
Better Buzz Coffee
SoCal Baton Hand Off; Visit Southern California
It’s been a while since I ran relay in track… A. LONG. WHILE. However, like riding a bike you never really forget how to pass and hold on to a baton, right? Scratch that. Those handoffs do take a lot of practice. Fortunately, the baton I’m holding today is all about covering some Southern California… Read More
Carlsbad Strawberry Farm
A fixture along Interstate 5 in Carlsbad, California – the Carlsbad Strawberry Company has owned the farmland that can be seen from the freeway since 1948. This local farm sells Strawberries at Farmer’s Markets around San Diego County, packages and sells them commercially by Aviara Farms, AND even better there is an area open to… Read More