Happy Mother’s Day

to the world you are a mother but to your family you are the worldHappy Mother’s Day
to all the Mommas,
Step-Moms, Mr. Moms,
adopted Moms
& foster Moms,
to the military Moms
& deployed Moms,
grieving Moms,
Moms to fur-babies
and soon-to-be Mommies.

And Happy Mother’s Day to the women hoping to be Moms, to the Grandmas, Aunts & Aunties, to the big sisters, nannies, and female role models.

Proverbs 31 25-26; She is clothed with strength & dignity and she laughs without fear of the future when she speaks her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindnessAnd to my boys…
It is an honor and a blessing to be your Momma.  

no one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. after all, you are the only ones who know what my heart sounds like from the inside.

About Trish

When this sleep deprived self proclaimed tea addict is not creating content for this here blog, Trish can most often be found at the Soccer field or watching a football game. Trish is a passionate volunteer, contract accountant, avid fan of the Dallas Cowboys and will only eat Oreos in pairs. She has two boys born sixteen years apart and her favorite place in the world is by her husband's side - preferably in a football stadium, at Disneyland or in San Diego.