Two Birthday Traditions & A Happy Fourth Birthday To My Baby. (2014)
Today is my youngest baby boy’s birthday. He is no longer “my three year old”. My baby is four. He is still my “little nugget”.
His smile still lights up the room. He still has my blonde hair & blue eyes that he was born with. He still raises one eyebrow like his Daddy when he questions something. And just like his Daddy’s, his eyes still disappear when he laughs.
His personality is still as big as the moon. He still needs his “me time” in the morning. And without doubt, he will still love his family and protect his big brother with every ounce of his being. But now, he is four. Four years old.
We all know that time flies; in honor of the past four years happening in the blink of an eye I have two of our aging traditions to share with you.
First off, every year we purchase a jersey in the uniform number of the age of our little guy. Our “rules” are that the jersey must be NCAA, must be Football, it can not be an in-state college, and we can not custom order a jersey. My hubs, our oldest and myself research websites and stores to find the available jerseys with the correct number on them and in the necessary size.
There are some schools that one or more of us consistently say “no” to and there are a few rival schools from our own alma maters that we know not to mention even if they do have the right number printed on them.
This year, #4, was a bit of a challenge. There was much discussion about the available NCAA jerseys and, well, when it came down to it our conversation and thoughtful debates meant nothing. We had to go with Nebraska because that was the ONLY #4 NCAA football jersey that was available for purchase in our birthday boy’s size.
Second, every year our family of four collectively writes down our lil’ guy’s current “loves” (and obsessions). I then add them to a photo of him taken on his birthday in his jersey. After wearing the jersey on his birthday he’ll wear it throughout the year (or until he outgrows it) and then it gets hung in his closet with the previous years jerseys.

The photo with our lil’ guy’s “loves” serve as a sweet memory of all the things that made him so very happy during that year of his life. I print enough photos to share with Aunties, Uncles & Grandparents and I add a magnet to the back of ours before hanging it on the refrigerator next to the previous year’s photos.
A jersey and a list of “loves” are two of the ways we will be celebrating FOUR at our house today. What are your birthday traditions? I’d love to hear all about how you celebrate your special day.
Happy Happy Happy Happy
Birthday to my little Blondie.