Tag Archives: 30 minute meal
Grilled Pizza
Fast & easy. And almost completely mess free! A kid friendly grilled meal that takes less than 30 minutes to make… Grilled Pizza. This perfect summertime meal is made to order! Personal size Grilled Pizzas are individually made so that each one includes preferred toppings. Grilled Pizza Recipe INGREDIENTS: 2 1/2 Cups Flour 1 Teaspoon White Sugar 1 Teaspoon… Read More
Baked Mozzarella Penne
Meal Planning Five Weeknight Recipes
Muffin Tin Meatloaf Recipe
Let me tell you a story about my husband… HE. LOVES. MEATLOAF. In fact, on Thanksgiving my hubs gives thanks for Meatloaf rather than Turkey. Yep! That’s right, you will find Turkey AND Meatloaf on our table that last Thursday of November. To make my life a little easier I found a way to make… Read More