Tag Archives: vegetarian
Baked Mozzarella Penne
Caprese Pasta Recipe; Made With Ragu Traditional Pasta Sauce
Do you have a favorite family meal? Maybe one that has become a tradition over time? We have a Thursday night pasta night tradition at our house. All four of us rank pasta in our top 2-3 favorites and we do not discriminate when it comes to the type of pasta as long as it includes pasta and red… Read More
Bloggers Chili Cook-Off Day 3; Alicia’s Veggie Chili Recipe
This chili is so delicious and so simple! It does take some time, but trust me when I say… it’s SOOOO worth it! It’s naturally gluten free, full of yummy veggies and if you skip the cheese & sour cream, even vegan! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!