Nov172016Feb 27 2023 Wine Cork Christmas Tree Holiday Decor by Trish, in category Christmas/Winter, Create, Holidays ‘Tis the season for a festive upcycled creation; Wine Cork Christmas Tree Holiday Decor.
Dec32020Feb 27 2023 Wine Cork Christmas Tree Upcycled Holiday Decor by Trish, in category Christmas/Winter, Holidays ‘Tis the season for a festive upcycled creation. Celebrate the season by creating holiday décor with wine corks! This Wine Cork Christmas Tree is fitting for any room of the house.
Nov242021Feb 27 2023 Upcycled Wine Cork Reindeer Ornaments by Trish, in category Christmas/Winter, Holidays Transform wine corks into darling Christmas tree décor with this simple and creative tutorial for Upcycled Wine Cork Reindeer Ornaments.