Hiking Phoenix Arizona

The hiking trails in Arizona are countless and the views are endless. Fellow blogger, Lindsey from RunningAroundWithLindsey.xyz, has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Hiking Phoenix Arizona. A big welcome and a huge thank you to Lindsey for sharing her 7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun below.

Hiking Phoenix Arizona; 7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun by Lindsey, TrishSutton.com

Hi There!

I am so excited to be guest posting here at TrishSutton.com. My name is Lindsey and I am from runningaroundwithlindsey.xyz. Today I am going to be giving you a few tips for hiking in the valley of the sun.

Here in Central Arizona we have mild to very warm temperatures all year long so it is understandable that visitors want to take advantage of the temperatures and the local hiking trails.

Unfortunately, many of these visitors and some locals don’t realize just how hot it can get out there and how quickly a fun hike can turn dangerous.

I have explored a number of hiking trails around Phoenix including The White Tanks, Thunderbird Park, Piestewa Peak and Hole in the Rock Arizona. While every trail is different, I realized that they all required the same steps as far as preparation.

Hiking Phoenix Arizona; 7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun by Lindsey, TrishSutton.com

Hiking Phoenix Arizona;
7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun

1. Hydrate and fuel properly! I cannot stress this one enough. We have so many visitors from out of state who trek up the mountain without an adequate amount of water or fuel who wind up needing medical assistance. It is no joke that it gets pretty warm here, combine that with outdoor physical activity and no water or electrolyte replacement and you have a recipe for disaster.

2. Sunscreen and Hats!! This is really important. Even on cloudy days you are being exposed to the sun and run a risk for sunburn. To avoid this, make sure to wear sunscreen as well as bringing it along with you to reapply. A hat is also a good idea.

3. Wear appropriate attire. Rule of thumb is the dress for 15 degrees warmer than the actual temperature. My usual go to is a pair of running capris, running shoes with heavier tread and a sweat wicking t-shirt. On Some occasions I will bring a jacket just in case.

Hiking Phoenix Arizona; 7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun by Lindsey, TrishSutton.com

4. Pack light. The less extra stuff you are carrying the happier you will be. I would suggest on some hikes if you are getting close to sundown to bring a flashlight. According to most sources the heaviest thing in your pack should be your food and water. Also, make sure you take out what you take in. Please don’t litter the trails.

5. Don’t hike alone. This is mostly for safety reasons but you should also keep in mind, who is going to take your picture when you reach the top?! If you are going to hike alone, make sure someone knows where you are heading and your estimated time to be home. If you saw 127 Hours you know how important that phone call is!

6. Take a break. Every 30-60 minutes try to take a 5-7 minute break. This break allows your body to rest and rid it of some of the waste products that have built up in the body. If you can, try to prop your legs up above heart level to let the body naturally drain the metabolic waste that has settled in your legs. While on this break try to eat and drink something and take in the views!

Hiking Phoenix Arizona; 7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun by Lindsey, TrishSutton.com

7. Don’t exceed your current fitness level. As an asthmatic I cannot stress this enough. It is really important to listen to your body and know when you need to slow down or stop. I am all for pushing yourself beyond limits but at some points it is just not worth the risk. Take time to slowly build up your abilities and really enjoy the hike!

*One more tip – Enjoy the view!!

Hiking Phoenix Arizona; 7 Tips For Safely Hiking In The Valley Of The Sun by Lindsey, TrishSutton.com

**For more information on Hiking Phoenix and the state of Arizona hiking trails visit: https://visitarizona.com/

About Lindsey

Lindsey is an Arizona girl who likes to run, travel, eat cookies and have fun! She is a travel agent and a huge fan of Disneyland. Follow all of Lindsey's fun on Twitter - @LindseyLew1185.