Problem: Ugly Pool Pump. Solution: Wood Pallets. The eyesore on our backyard patio is now a blank slate. DIY Outdoor Wood Pallet Privacy Screen.
We bought our current home just over two years ago and in the past two years my husband has complained about the placement of our pool pump more times than I can count. It doesn’t just bother him that the pool pump is located outside of the pool area, it also bothers him that the pool pump is ugly. It is an eyesore on our backyard patio.
An awesome long term solution would be to have our pool plumbing rerouted and have our pool pump moved. That awesome solution is very expensive. And so we moved right along to Plan B.
DIY Outdoor Wood Pallet Privacy Screen

First, we measured the height and the width of the area that we would like to hide. We then calculated those measurements and converted them into the number of pallets and 2x4s that we would need.
Next, we cut the wood to our desired lengths, built the frame of our Wood Pallet Privacy Screen, added wood pallet planks across the front of the screen and added 2x4s to the back of our screen to create a stand.
Since we did not cut the pallets to size before attaching them, both sides of our privacy screen had jagged edges. We used a circular saw to cut the excess then sanded the edges to create a smooth surface. Finally, we painted our DIY Outdoor Wood Pallet Privacy Screen.
Initially we thought that our privacy screen might require an anchor into the block wall behind the pump. However, through high winds, dust storms and the monsoons our DIY Outdoor Wood Pallet Privacy Screen has remained in place for over three months.
Problem solved. The pool pump is hidden behind pallet wood and 2x4s and we now have a blank slate at the end of our patio that we can leave as it is or add a little color by attaching planters to the front of our pool pump screen.