Tag Archives: home
Simple Thanksgiving Centerpiece; Festive Fall Decor
Selling Made Simple; Opendoor
$100 Rubbermaid FastTrack Garage Clean-Up
Old Door–New Look; A Paint Fix
I am often amazed at what a coat of paint can do… A couple weeks ago out of the blue my husband decided he was going to sand and paint our front door. He said to me, come help me pick out the color and we were off to the hardware store. I, of course,… Read More
Five Minute Friday: “Belong”
After a couple weeks “off” it’s time I rejoin the blogging community for Five Minute Friday; a flash mob of free writing as we share our collective thoughts on the same word. Belong. Five minutes to tell you where I belong. Three words… With my husband. I associate home with belong. Home is where I… Read More