Fun Dip Kid’s Valentine Free Printable | Dip Dip Hooray Note

Dip Dip Hooray! Share a sugary sweet Valentine treat with this Fun Dip Kid’s Valentine Free Printable. 

Dip Dip Hooray! Share a sugary sweet Valentine treat with this Fun Dip Kid's Valentine Free Printable. 

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Fun Dip Kid’s Valentine Free Printable
Dip Dip Hooray Note


All printables found on this site are created strictly for personal use; they cannot be sold in their original nor a modified version. Do not upload or directly link to any of the PDF prints/downloads and/or distribute the printables as your own. Commercial use of the printables found on this site is strictly prohibited. These creations are made to share with readers and their families.


Fun Dip Kid’s Valentine Free Printable
Dip Dip Hooray Note


First, print the kids Valentine then use scissors or a paper cutter to cut out the four Dip Dip Hooray cards. Simply cut along the solid lines.

Dip Dip Hooray! Share a sugary sweet Valentine treat with this Fun Dip Kid's Valentine Free Printable. 

Next have your child sign the Valentine cards using a pen, pencil or crayon to add their name to the bottom line next to the “from” label.

Assemble these sweet Valentine treats by placing a packet of Fun Dip into a small clear party bag then fold a free printable Valentine card over the open end of the bag. Finally, add a staple to secure the note card in place and there you have a sugary sweet Valentine treat ready to share with friends and classmates.

pin it for later!

More Kid’s Valentine Free Printables


About Trish

When this sleep deprived self proclaimed tea addict is not creating content for this here blog, Trish can most often be found at the Soccer field or watching a football game. Trish is a passionate volunteer, contract accountant, avid fan of the Dallas Cowboys and will only eat Oreos in pairs. She has two boys born sixteen years apart and her favorite place in the world is by her husband's side - preferably in a football stadium, at Disneyland or in San Diego.