Tag Archives: summer fun
Pool Noodle Hopscotch
My little guy’s latest game obsession is Hopscotch. He has his own set of rules similar to the playground rules we were all taught growing up. To begin my little guy draws out his Hopscotch Board on the concrete with sidewalk chalk. He carefully numbers each square then without tossing any rocks he begins to… Read More
Ten Minute Play Dough; Endless Fun
Play Dough is a daily activity at our house. We use cookie cutters, rolling pins, toothpicks, and even hot wheels to create, mold, and let our imaginations run wild! This Ten Minute Play Dough recipe requires five ingredients that you likely already have tucked away in your pantry, requires NO cooking, and is easily ready for… Read More
Activities for Kids; Round-Up
A weekend roundup of TEN activities for kids! Included are activities that help develop fine motor skills, a couple crafts that grandparents will love, along with homemade Play Dough and Fun Foam. Who doesn’t love creating with the squishy stuff? You likely have the supplies in your kitchen to make Play Dough or Fun Foam. And if your kids like Fruit… Read More