Category Archives: Create
DIY Ceramic Tile Photo Coasters
Helping Hand Handmade Gift
DIY Wood Block Photo Cube
DIY Photo Gift | Upcycled Veggie Can Caddy
Welcome Spring: Wreath Made Of Clothespins
Edible Peeps Play Dough
There are two types of people. Those who eat Peeps and those who don’t. Do you eat Peeps? Our house is divided when it comes to the marshmallow chicks & bunnies. Edible Peeps Play Dough. Whether you do or don’t did you know that you can play with them? Edible Peeps Play Dough is the… Read More
Spring Wreath Made With Peeps
Edible Play Dough Peeps Marshmallow Candy
Dry Erase Christmas Countdown
Snowman Wreath
I love Snowmen. LOVE THEM. This Snowman Wreath is my opinion of a perfect “welcome”. I considered creating a Christmas wreath of greens, red holly, ribbons and pine cones but my heart won over my head and the plans of greenery quickly became three white wicker wreaths making up that of a Snowman as our… Read More
Bottle Cap Snowman Ornament
Salt Dough Ornament
I love Christmas traditions. One of my most treasured traditions is making ornaments each year with my boys. My all time favorite homemade ornaments are any of the ones my boys have created with Salt Dough. Their fingerprints are still so vividly recognizable and the impressions of their small fingers is a sweet sweet memory.
Upcycled Can Snowman
Yep. Another Upcycled Snowman. I can’t help myself. And it’s only the second out of three this week. Just you wait until Friday to see what my three year old made for his Auntie and his Papas & Grandmas this year! If you’ve been reading my blog for long you might remember my Patriotic Upcycled… Read More
Handprint Snowman Ornament
There is something about crafts created with little handprints that absolutely warm my heart. And a handprint craft that doubles as a Snowman Ornament; well, that melts my heart. My three year old describes this ornament as “a wid with Mommy, Daddy, Bubby, and me wooking wike Snowmen”. That it is. An upcycled can lid… Read More