Twenty of the Best Gifts for Him from $14 to $700; including ten gifts under $100. The perfect list for husbands, fathers and every other man in your life celebrating Father’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries or Christmas.
One quote. Two printables. A love quote by Leo Christopher turned printable art and a printable anniversary card. To my husband on our anniversary, “I swear I couldn’t love you more thanI do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.”
All of me loves all of you. EVERY. SINGLE. OUNCE. I am so grateful for you & your love, I am blessed to share life with you & parent aside you AND I am one lucky lady to be the other half of your our act. All of me loves all of you. Happy Anniversary!
Before our destination wedding my husband and I purchased ninety pairs of flip flops. The plan was to have gorgeous baskets filled with flip flops for our wedding guests to wear on the sands of the beach (and the dance floor, if needed). Three free printable Flip Flop Greeting Cards.