Category Archives: Patriotic/Summer
30 Patriotic Red, White & Blue Crafts
Red, White and Blue Fruit Skewers
Summer Sundae Peanut Butter Cookie Cup Recipe
Wonderfilled OREO Patriotic Dessert
Summer 2014 Bucket List
This 2014 Summer Bucket List was created by both myself and my three year old; the fluorescent pedicure is for Momma however if my tot has any say in the color I will likely have ten different neon colored toes. 1. Visit Family 2. Make a Tie Dye T-shirt 3. Water Gun… Read More
Backyard Activities | 35 Things To Do Outside
In This House We Do Four Free Printables for Military Families
DIY Yarn Wreath | Red, White, Blue Patriotic Decor
Upcycled Patriotic Wind Sock DIY Outdoor Decor
Patriotic Popsicle Stick American Flag
Tissue Sparklers DIY Faux Firecrackers for Kids
Beach Day Essentials Guide | What To Pack In Your Beach Bag
Ultimate Pool Party List | Summer Backyard Must Haves
DIY Kids Activity Perler Bead Bowl Craft
Upcycled Confetti Launcher
If you are looking for a simple craft that will provide endless fun and lots of laughter look no further. Upcycled Confetti Launcher. You will just need a few items to create this celebratory party favor. Save your paper rolls then head over to Kenarry: Ideas for the Home for the additional Dollar Store items… Read More